Wednesday, August 27, 2008

so most of you know, last year was not the best year for me. and by that i mean last year may have ben the worst of my life. and to thoes of you who were there druing that time. i hope you know what it ment to me. but besides that small group of beautiful people. i had sigur ros. a group of the most talented and inspierd artists iv ever heard.
i had to work kinda hard to repair myself, my new-found trust issues, my complete anguish over school, the plain ol'loneliness of a small, cold apartment(that i never left).
they were the soundtrack to my repairs. my peace, my solitude.

its hard to articulate(ha!), so lets just say, i would not be the person im happy to be right now, without them.

i think even for the biggest music lover/listener/"nerd", its impossible to fully understand the awesome power music has. but every once in a while you will put on that song, one you'v heard a million times. and somthings diffrent, you can feel the tingle of tears in your belly, as they work their way up. sit back close your eyes, and for a brief moment...nothing...but you and this devine power.

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