Friday, November 16, 2007

a missinformed line cook. who grins like he has a secret.

"My books are like water; those of the great geniuses are wine. Fortunately, everybody drinks water" -mark twain.

school is very diffrent from what everyone at kendall told me. so far my cooking classes have been easy. and my gen ed's are just annoying.
every day we get the idea that our life is over pounded into our heads. 70-80 hour weeks, working on every holiday, no time for friends, and a family? haha forget it kids. i know that they are useing scare tactics on us. trying to weed out the kids who are at culinary school because they saw rachael ray on a box of triscuits(couldn't tell the diffrence between their ass and a doughnut hole.). but the reality is its alot of hard work, dedication, and time consuming. i understand that, and have decided to say "no thank you".
just because the chefs above me did it and chefs before them did it and so on...dosent mean its the only way a person should go in this profession. im not trying to be chef che or anything but food has seen some amazing changes in the last 20 years. chefs are more respected. have tv shows. organic farming. and fast food is at least attempting to be healthy. change is around the corner again. and i think if my generation will see this we could do great things.
i have an idea of what i want to do out of school, it will keep me close to music. with a knife in my hand. more to come.

im trying to figure out what im cooking for thanksgiving. venison, lots of root vegitables, and wild turkey.-its just not thanksgiving without turkey juce!

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