Wednesday, June 4, 2008

and suddenly........

so, im working on a summer menu. now that im in charge of ALL the food stuff at the lounge, that includes all the pastry's. i love it. sometimes.
and i must say i was frustrated almost to the point of tears today. i had to sit on the back porch with my eyes closed listening to a friends music for about 20 min b4 i stopped breathing heavy. all i want to do is provide decent food, but cost is a big issue. i want to cut some sammies so i can buy better bread. but "they all sell to well to get rid of". so i stick with the crap bread we have. i understand money is an issue. and i have a solution, but im shot down right out of the gate. and i get into that, throw up my hands and say "ok, you do all this shit yourself!!!!" mood. but then i calm down, and realize, i'll win this battle. even if a little money comes out of my own pocket, it already dose-by the way. and to tell you the truth, im proud to do it.

when you work with a group of people who are all making daily sacrifices just to keep a business on its feet. and all the people act as if their sacrifices are the greatest. it often feels like nothing will get accomplished. but the fact that at any given time of day i can walk out to the floor and sit with a customer and chat because i know them. or the simple act of three diffrent regulars asking me if i was ok today. its not a sacrifice, its a blessing.

"and suddenly i wasn't tired, suddenly i wasn't poor, suddenly im not the victim anymore." 


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