Sunday, March 2, 2008

parents beware.

i need photoshop. so i can do a "is your child a line cook?" poster

"out of total shame, your child will not tell you they are a line cook. but with some simple observations you can find out for yourself. here are some tells of a line cook."

-backpack full of knives and dirty towls. 
-hands smell like garlic and chicken, all the time.
-porno under bed replaced by Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential".
-starts using spanish profanity, but dosent speak a lick of actual spanish.*
-gets upset if you say anything positive about rachel ray.
-sleeps past noon and smells like whiskey.*
-tips 50-75% no matter what*
-cant explain the multiple grease burns on arms.

*will apply to all service industry workers, baristas, bartenders, waiters, ect...

im proud of the company i keep.

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