Wednesday, January 2, 2008

year in (p)review

so my buddy lindsey wrote a yery nice month by month review of her year and i thought to do the same. but then i realized that most of my year was wasted......and ill keep it at that. one thing im proud to have done was move to chicago, every time i go home i enjoy it more and i come back to chi happy to live here.
so just some things im wanting to do in 2008.
-find a new place with liam and my bud nick(and HEAT would be nice)
-kick ass and take names at kendall
-help the star lounge stay open after the owners bail on sunday
-put out my zine (really its a small quarterly cookbook) name suggestions?
-maby do this online cooking show my buddy trevor and i talked about??????????
-eat more artichokes
-play some music
-write a good carrot cake recipe
-read more(that means you lindsey)
-listen to more hip hop

i love you all 
have a good 2008

and if you didnt see it last night david letterman looks COOL as hell in a beard.

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